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IKIGAI: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life ❤️

IKIGAI: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life ❤️

We said it before —> You are here to take massive action.

Whether you are currently unemployed, unhappy at your job or just a startup founder feeling stuck, the only person that can change the whole situation is YOU.

So let me ask; what are you waiting to design your dream life? 🦄 

Albert Einstein once said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Are you ready to switch your mindset and turn off the “Airplane Mode” ✈️ ??
- Well, if you are…let’s start by finding your IKIGAI.

IKIGAI is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living ❤️

The IKIGAI Framework

You can find your IKIGAI (purpose) by doing a deep introspection. Start by writing down at least 10 ideas for each category 👇️ 

  1. What makes you happy 😄 

  2. What are you good at 😎 

  3. What the world needs 😇 

  4. What you can be paid for 🤑 

—> You will find your IKIGAI in the intersection of the 4 circles ⭕️ 

Job Surfers was born thanks to this powerful exercise. We realized we love helping others, we are experts landing dream jobs, the world needs job search strategies and there’s a market willing to invest on this 🚀 

This is how I took a big step to level up and change my life 🔥 

  • Did my research and contacted the right Mentor (Nico Grupe) 🥷 

  • Jumped on a call to share my story, current challenges, and blockers.

  • Spent days working on my skills and interests to find my IKIGAI.

  • Explored my identity and biggest fears to reset my belief system.

  • Turned from a Victim to a Hero perspective to take control of my life.

  • Leveraged Atomic Habits to work on my mental health.

  • Wrote down my biggest goals and designed my Life Plan.

—> Finding my IKIGAI has been life-changing. I was able to unlock amazing opportunities and reach unbelievable goals.

I strongly believe yo can do this too. Just put yourself first, dive deep into your passions, and explore your talents. Trust me. You will be surprised 🙀 

So, here’s the deal 👇️ 

📌 Invest in Yourself: Block your calendar and spend time thinking, exploring, and writing about your talents, and your skills. You are ready to commit and spend valuable time transforming a few days of self-discovery into a tangible purpose.

📌 Take Action: Now you know how to start. The IKIGAI framework is so powerful you might be shocked. Trust the process, you are going out of your comfort zone and you might get unreal results.

📌 Special Bonus: If you are interested in working closely with an IKIGAI coach, feel free to connect with nikigaiforlife - she is the best! ❤️‍🔥 

Thank you for joining this amazing community 🦄 

—> We are here to deliver proven systems and unique strategies to help you achieve your dreams and unlock your greatest life 🌈

🔥 Coming next: we are building an Open Partnerships Directory to unlock exclusive products & services.

The list will include top recommendations about platforms such as:

- That’s all for now!

See you in the next edition 🎉 

Luks & Eli - Founders at Job Surfers

P.S. Once you're ready, there are 4 ways Job Surfers can help you:

#1: Ready to access exclusive content, tools, strategies, and 1-1 coaching to land your dream job? Let's chat > Apply to Job Surfers Accelerator 🚀

#2: We have put together a ton of energy into creating exclusive self-paced masterclasses that I think you'll love. Discover how Job Surfers OS can teach you how to get hired at top Startups & Worldwide companies 🌎

#3: Looking to provide career support to rejected candidates? We have put together a special Partnerships Program to help applicants land more opportunities while empowering companies’ brand values and reputation 🔥 

#4: Follow Luks & Eli for more systems and strategies to achieve your dream work-life balance ❤️