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  • The Ultimate List with +50 Best Job Search Resources

The Ultimate List with +50 Best Job Search Resources

The Ultimate List with +50 Best Job Search Resources

Today is the day;

As promised we are sharing with you a unique list of tools and platforms for your job search 🦄 

It doesn’t matter if you are not looking for a new job today. Save this list because you might need it in the future.

We have put together a special list with +50 Job Search Resources that will help you master every stage of the process. ❤️

We built this list while working remotely in Mendoza 🇦🇷 

We selected these tools because we want you to save time, money, and effort while looking for your dream job. From Recruitment Agencies to Resume Analyzers and AI Interview Preparation tools, we hope you can become an expert on each stage of the process and achieve your goals, no matter where you're starting from.

Click here to access The Ultimate List with +50 Best Job Search Resources. Make sure you duplicate this Notion page and save it. Each tool, platform, job board, or resource can be a game-changer.

These are some of the categories (tags) you will find on the list:

  • Recruitment Agencies.

  • Resume & LinkedIn profile analyzers.

  • Job Boards.

  • Interview Preparation tools.

  • Cover Letters.

  • Salary reviews and benchmarks.

  • And many, many more!

Here’s our ask to you 👇️ 

📌 Help us spread the word: We’re here to support as many people as possible. Forward this Newsletter to someone on your network who needs to know about this list. Let’s help others. That’s why we are here!

📌 Mention us on Linkedin: We want to make sure we are adding a lot of value. Help us by supporting Job Surfers on Linkedin. You can write a small post thanking Luks and Eli or just by leaving a comment on this post. We want to think of this list as the golden ticket for anyone looking for their next opportunity.

If you have other tools, platforms, or resources, share them on Linkedin and tag us!

—> We will keep the list updated with all the best tools for every job seeker that’s looking to take their job search to the next level 🌈

—> And yes; we are building a new list of companies and startups we strongly recommend following and applying to 🤯 

Thanks for joining this amazing community!

Let’s win together and see you in the next edition 🎉 

Luks & Eli - Founders at Job Surfers

P.S. Once you're ready, there are 4 ways Job Surfers can help you:

#1: Ready to access exclusive content, tools, strategies and 1-1 coaching to land your dream job? Let's chat > Apply to Job Surfers Accelerator 🚀

#2: We have put together a ton of energy into creating exclusive online masterclasses that I think you'll love. Discover how Job Surfers OS can teach you how get hired at top Startups & Worldwide companies 🌎

#3: Looking to provide career support to rejected candidates? We have put together a special Partnerships Program to help applicants land more opportunities while empowering companies’ brand values and reputation 🔥 

#4: Follow Luks & Eli for more systems and strategies to achieve your dream work-life balance ❤️